러시아 황실 근위대의 음악
간만에 날씨가 밝다고 느끼면서 오후를 보내고 있습니다... 한동안 흐릿한 날씨속에서 살다가 주변이 좀 밝으니...형광등이 눈에 걸리는군요... 평화로운 화요일 오후입니다.
오늘은 그동안의 대중가요 위주의 음악선곡에서 벗어나 좀 색다른 음악을 올려보겠습니다... 솔로곡보다는 합창곡을 좋아하는 제 개인적인 취향이 반영된 선곡입니다...^^...
러시아 합창곡들을 뒤져보다보니... 좀 색다른게 있어서요... " 레드아미 합창단 "류의 음악이라고 보시면 될겁니다...이름하여... "러시아 황실 근위대의 음악"입니다... 합창은 "쌍뜨 뼤쩨르부르그(상트 페테르스부르그, 세인트 피터스버그) 해군성 해군 합창단" 이 부릅니다...
1. “Petrovsky” March of the Life Guards Preobrajensky Regiment
2. March of the Life Guards Semenovsky Regiment
3. March of the Life Guards Izmailovsky Regiment
4. March of the Life Guards Yegersky Regiment
5. March of the Life Guards Moskovsky Regiment
6. March of the Life Guards Grenadersky Regiment
7. March of the Life Guards Pavlovsky Regiment
8. March of the Life Guards Finnlandsky Regiment
9. March of the Life Guards Litovsky Regiment
10. March of the Life Guards Keksgolmsky, the Emperor of Austria, Regiment
11. March of the Life Guards Saint Peterburgsky, the King Fridriech-Wilhelm III Regiment
12. March of the Life Guards Volynsky Regiment
13. March of the Life Guards 1st Rifle, His Imperial Majesty, Battalion
14. March of the Life Guards 2nd Rifle Battalion
15. March of the Life Guards 3rd Rifle, Finnish, Battalion
16. March of the Life Guards 4th Rifle, The Imperial Family, Battalion
17. March of the Life Guards Sapper Battalion
18. March of the Guard Equipage
19. Music of the Russian Tap-toe (Beat Retreat) a) Post. B) Call “To Play Tap-toe”, Tap-toe c) Call “To Prayer” d) “Koll Slaven (“I Pray for the Power of Love”)”. Old Russian national anthem e) Call “To finish the Prayer” f) “God, Same the Tsar!” Russian national anthem
Conducted by Alexei Karabanov